He denounced Nigeria Britain and the USA for their conduct in Palestine and showered praises on fallen Al Qaida figures including Usama bin Laden Abu Musab al Zarqawi and Abu Omar al Baghdadi...
Al Qaida-founder Usama bin Laden who lived and operated in Sudan 1991-96 had a farm near Soba which was believed at the time to house a terrorist training camp...
The list echoed the NIF’s 1995 offer to hand Usama Bin Laden to Washington which refused believing the offer not credible...
His supposed moderation did not prevent him from participating in a video tribute to Usama Bin Laden...
With Usama bin Laden gone Algeria has told whoever will listen the risk of Al Qaida establishing itself in northern Africa has become much greater...
The May Day killing of Usama bin Laden passed virtually unmentioned by a National Congress Party government that worked hand-in-glove with him when he lived in Sudan in 1991-95...
Vol 52 No 7 |
AQIM which concentrates much of its fire on Algeria said in February it would do whatever it could to help Libya’s rebels; Usama bin Laden’s Egyptian right-hand man Ayman al Zawahiri has sought to exploit the conflict...
The PAIC brought together international Islamist groups including that of Usama bin Laden then resident in Khartoum and was later seen as the cradle of Al Qaida (AC Vol 41 No 13)...
According to Turabi on Al Arabiya Usama bin Laden had ‘no factional or ideological beliefs’ when he came to live in Sudan...
Losing the terrorist label is a dream for a party which while hosting Usama bin Laden and his troops was implicated in the 1993 attack on New York’s World Trade Center and on Egyptian President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak in 1995...