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Joyce Hilda Banda

Date of Birth: 12/04/1950
Place of Birth: Malemia, Nyasaland

Displaying 1-10 out of 69 results.

Three old hats in the presidential ring

The incumbent President Lazarus Chakwera who was elected in 2020 after the Constitutional Court nullified his predecessor Peter Mutharika's 2019 win faces Mutharika again as well as former President Joyce Banda who claims Mutharika won fraudulently against her in 2014 (AC Vol 61 No 3 Shock ruling resets poll)...

Mutharika paired with the UDF's Muluzi while Chakwera's Tonse Alliance grouped Joyce Banda's and seven other parties with Chilima's United Transformation Movement (UTM)...

SCANDAL GRAND CORRUPTION AND POLITICAL TRUST Ex-President Joyce Banda's supporters charge that she was the only leader to have tackled Cashgate the long-term $50m plunder of the state treasury through corrupt procurement which she claims began under the DPP in 2009...

You can run and you can hide

President Joyce Banda initially claimed he was shot because he was trying to protect the public purse...

Mutharika manoeuvres for a comeback

Mutharika may seek an alliance with a new candidate from the North such as ex-President Joyce Banda's former vice-president the powerful playmaker Khumbo Kachali or emerging politicians from the region...

Fraud furore engulfs Chakwera

Nor has comment been spared on a 'deafening silence' from ex-President Peter Mutharika's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) ex-President Joyce Banda's People's Party (PP) Atupele Muluzi's United Democratic Front (UDF) and even Vice-President Saulosi Chilima's UTM...

President Joyce Banda suffered from voters associating her with the Cashgate scandal and President Peter Mutharika had to cope with fall-out from the case of Zameer Karim a businessman who allegedly deposited 120 million kwacha ($150 000) into a party account controlled by the then president (AC Vol 59 No 14 Rationing corruption)...

Chakwera tightens grip

President Lazarus Chakwera's reshuffled cabinet pointedly snubs his Tonse Alliance coalition partners the United Transformation Movement (UTM) of Vice-President Saulosi Chilima and the People's Party (PP) of former President Joyce Banda...

President's situation is no joke

Unlike him both his predecessors Peter Mutharika and Joyce Banda enjoyed honeymoon periods with the public in their first two years of office...

No justice for Cashgate crooks

As Mphwiyo slowly recovered from his injuries he was initially portrayed by then President Joyce Banda as a whistleblower who was attacked to prevent him exposing secrets...

Chakwera loses his lustre

Mpinganjira a DPP sympathiser told the High Court in Blantyre that he gave millions of kwachas to Chakwera Chilima former President Joyce Banda and the DPP...

Stress test for the Tonse Alliance

He feels he is being kept at a distance and that the President has a closer relationship with former President Joyce Banda than him...

Displaying 1-10 out of 69 results.