Vol 49 No 13 |
A report ordered by Cameroon's President Paul Biya as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces was never made public...
Corruption scandals have become a handy way for President Paul Biya to brighten his image ahead of the 2011 presidential election...
As international attention focused on Zimbabwe Cameroon's President Paul Biya has quietly made plans for his own life presidency largely free from foreign scrutiny...
Anti-corruption campaigners have long sounded alarms about foreign debt management in Cameroon under the regime of President Paul Biya (AC Vol 49 No 6)...
Having ruled for 25 years President Paul Biya wants to go on ruling until 2018 when he will be 85...
President Paul Biya's 25 years in power have been disastrous for what was once a rather prosperous state...
Vol 49 No 1 |
CAMEROON: The New Year’s Day announcement by 74-year-old President Paul Biya that he wanted a constitutional amendment to allow him to stand for another seven-year term in 2011 prompted instant condemnation from the opposition civil society and even from activists within the ruling Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais (RDPC)...
The Commander-in-Chief President Paul Biya signed the statement dismissing Mveng who just a week before had presided over the state funeral of 21 soldiers gunned down by unknown assailants on 12 November at the C3 command post in the Peninsula...
Vol 48 No 24 |
As is by now usual President Paul Biya of Cameroon was represented by his Anglophone Prime Minister Chief Ephraim Inoni who since his executive powers are limited was not included as a head of government...
After its landslide win in fraudulent parliamentary and local elections on 22 July President Paul Biya promised that his ruling Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais (RDPC) would 'modernise' the country...