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Macky Sall

Date of Birth: 11 December 1961
Place of Birth: Fatick, Senegal

Displaying 1-10 out of 169 results.


Diomaye Faye gets his super majority

Macky Sall whose chosen successor Amadou Ba was decisively beaten by Faye in March had broadened his Takku Wallu coalition to bring in the Parti démocratique sénégalais (PDS) led by former President Abdoulaye Wade and his son Karim Wade and Idrissa Seck's Rewmi party...


PROFILE: Ousmane Sonko – Premier League

It will be able to fulfill its campaign promise to set up the High Court of the Republic the sole tribunal with the power to try former president Macky Sall and his ministers for their actions in office...

It’s the economy, Macron!

The French supermarket brand Auchan – which did not arrive in Senegal until 2014 decades after the end of colonialism – was a prime target during the recent years of protest against former president Macky Sall: 39 of its shops were looted destruction that cost 300 jobs for local people...


Diomaye Faye asks the people for a bigger mandate

The crunch came with a breakdown in relations between the confrontational Sonko and the outgoing legislative majority loyal to former head of state Macky Sall and his Benno Bokk Yakaar (BBY) alliance (AC Vol 65 No 11 Faye's diplomatic rounds)...

Former president Macky Sall – now operating from Marrakech – had clearly been expecting the dissolution and on 3 September he made a farewell address to his parliamentary supporters...

Faye mulls a snap parliamentary poll

In contrast his opponents in the Benno Bokk Yakaar (BBY) coalition led by Macky Sall who was president until earlier this year are only just short of an overall majority on 82 with three years of the current National Assembly still to run...

Criticism of Macky Sall-era cronyism corruption and politicisation was for years a staple of Pastef rhetoric...

Displaying 1-10 out of 169 results.