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Billy Rautenbach (Muller Conrad Rautenbach)

Date of Birth: 23 September 1959
Place of Birth: Harare, Zimbabwe

Displaying 31-33 out of 33 results.

Fighting rebels at home and abroad

Also banned frompublic inquiry are the business deals negotiated between Mugabe's business associate Billy Rautenbach and Kabila's Minister of State Pierre-Victor Mpoyo (AC Vol 39 No 23)...

The wages of war

Kabila and his Minister of State in the Presidency Pierre-Victor Mpoyo hope to stiffen military and political resolve with a series of lucrative business deals for three key allies: • Zimbabwe: While Kabila was visiting Harare on 4-5 November arrangements were concluded for Zimbabwe-based Billy Rautenbach to be appointed Executive Chairman of Gécamines while to his Virgin Islands-based company Ridgepoint was sold (for an undisclosed sum) 80 per cent of Gécamines' Groupe Central...

War winnings

Richpoint’s Billy Rautenbach denies that any Zimbabwean minister has links to his company...

Billy Rautenbach says the money has been paid directly to Gécamines’ owner the Congo government with which he made the deal...

Gécamines officials say the Kbabankola deal involved four parties: Congo’s Minister of State for the Economy Pierre-Victor Mpoyo; Mnangagwa; Billy Rautenbach; and someone representing ‘the interests of President Robert Mugabe’...

On the deal for the Central Group - from which Gécamines has been getting most of its (falling) profits - Billy Rautenbach confirms that his company is negotiating with Gécamines for some mining property...

Displaying 31-33 out of 33 results.