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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 291-300 out of 344 results.

Trading arms

The news broke as President Nelson Mandela was meeting Presidents Robert Mugabe Yoweri Museveni and Omer el Beshir as part of his efforts to get the NIF and SPLA to talk to each other forcing Mandela as the Mail put it 'to do some fast talking'...

Nelson Mandela the hopeful exporters suggest would be a powerful salesman of arms and technology...


It was not Angola's President José dos Santos but South Africa's President Nelson Mandela whose homage flashed round the world after her death on 31 August...

Fela and his heirs

President Nelson Mandela began dancing and even Queen Elizabeth II was seen clapping along to the music...

Fighting for top jobs

At this 50th Conference in Mafikeng North West Province Nelson Mandela will retire as ANC President and hand over to Mbeki and then before the 1999 general elections he will step down from the national presidency and hand that too over to Mbeki...

Nelson Mandela is said to have told Mbeki recently that Zuma would not be suitable for the job because he was too close to Mbeki and would reinforce the view that the country was run by an Mbeki cabal...

NIF targets Mandela

President Nelson Mandela's extraordinary peacemaking bid in Sudan which appears to have pleased only the National Islamic Front came without South African Foreign Ministry support Africa Confidential understands...

Gesture politics

No invitation official or unofficial had been made South Africa's Foreign Ministry told us though Libyan Foreign Minister Omar Muntasser was due in after the Organisation of African Unity summit and President Nelson Mandela had invited Gadaffi in the past...

New fingers on Zaïre's trigger

Madiba's moral beaconSouth Africa's intervention in Zaïre was its most ambitious foray yet but in formal diplomatic terms it achieved little beyond providing a ship and Nelson Mandela as a moral beacon...

Labour intensive

Labour's election manifesto depicted a smiling Tony Blair with Nelson Mandela during the leader's visit to South Africa in October 1996...

Keep trekking

It embraces the Transvaal and Free State agricultural unions enjoys the blessing of President Nelson Mandela (who also asked the Tanzanian Government to accept Afrikaner farmers) receives assistance from Pretoria and funding from the European Union and is negotiating a deal worth up to US$50 million with International Pacific Securities (IPS) of London and Vancouver...

Boeing bellyflops

But in the case of the Harare bellyflop Zimbabwe security's energetic efforts to hush the affair up seem to indicate the consignment had the tacit approval of the '3Ms': Presidents Nelson Mandela Robert Mugabe and Yoweri Museveni...

Displaying 291-300 out of 344 results.