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South Africa

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa

Date of Birth: 17 November 1952
Place of Birth: Johannesburg

Displaying 451-460 out of 485 results.

Ten years after

Failing that Mbeki would prefer Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula to the activists-turned-businessmen Cyril Ramaphosa or Tokyo Sexwale; others in line include Gauteng Premier Sam Shilowa Limpopo Premier Ngoako Ramatlhodi and Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni...

Spies pop out of the past

She or whoever else Mbeki may choose to appoint as his deputy next year is likely to be challenged by Cyril Ramaphosa the trades union-leader-turned-businessman who still clocks in as the ANC's second most popular executive member and is thought to harbour political ambitions...

Struggling to succeed

Sorting out Cyril Mbeki may see the popular Cyril Ramaphosa (AC Vol 44 No 9) as his strongest rival and be preparing to sideline him again once he has dealt with Zuma...

Busy bees

Among the invited guests at the launch were African BEE heavyweights now in the firing line as 'fat cats': Mvelaphanda's Tokyo Sexwale Nail's Saki Macazoma Real Africa's Don Ncube Safika's Moss Ngoasheng and even Cyril Ramaphosa (AC Vol 44 No 9) once the then President Nelson Mandela's choice for SA's presidency...

Succession issues

Another contender Defence Minister and ANC Chairman Mosioua 'Terror' Lekota will probably wait for 2009 to run; so will Mbeki's old rival Cyril Ramaphosa now a rich businessman who did well in the vote for the National Executive Committee...

Congress gets scratchy

Last year's potential challengers Mathews Phosa Tokyo Sexwale and Cyril Ramaphosa were besmirched by farcical accusations of conspiracy and are now barely visible...

Will the real Thabo Mbeki stand up?

He later admitted no such plot existed and apologised publicly to the men he had accused: Cyril Ramaphosa Mathews Phosa and Tokyo Sexwale formerly Mbeki's rivals for the party leadership now successful in business...

Mbeki's front line

The usual suspects: ANC ex-Secretary General Cyril Ramaphosa 50 Gauteng ex-Premier Tokyo Sexwale 49 and Mpumalanga ex-Premier Mathews Phosa were all named by Tshwete as suspects in an anti-Mbeki plot: he later apologised to them when police found the suspicions groundless...

Displaying 451-460 out of 485 results.