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South Africa

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa

Date of Birth: 17 November 1952
Place of Birth: Johannesburg

Displaying 391-400 out of 491 results.

Vavi and the unions fall out

The deal between rival factions of the Congress of South African Trade Unions mediated by Cyril Ramaphosa on 8 April is likely to prove temporary...

Nkandla report hurts Zuma

Although many outside his inner circle want him to stand down in favour of his deputy Cyril Ramaphosa the President's key allies will close ranks around him at least until after the vote...

The ANC’s top hundred

The key beneficiary would be the second name on the list Cyril Ramaphosa who is set to play a critical role...

Which ANC will win?

Symbolic CyrilThe elevation of Cyril Ramaphosa to the party's deputy presidency was meant to reassure the middle class that this supremely talented negotiator lawyer and billionaire businessman would look out for their interests in the party...

Zuma fights for his job

The balance of the argument within the party would shift only if there was an outflow of leftist activists into a new trades union party leaving pro-market reformers such as ANC Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa in the majority...

When the clouds cried

African National Congress Vice-President and old Mandela favourite Cyril Ramaphosa explained to the international audience that the rain pouring down on the stadium and its surrounding mine dumps was the best possible omen for the hero's departure...


The time of Mandela

Certainly the negotiating prowess of Cyril Ramaphosa and Slovo the strategic vision of Thabo Mbeki plus the political firepower and sacrifices of countless others were all critical to the defeat of apartheid and the rebuilding of the country...

ANC wields the long knives

Zuma team aims to make room for Cyril Ramaphosa who was elected Deputy President of the ANC in December to take Motlanthe’s place as national Deputy President...

Blade's think-tank regiment

Nzimande is held to be extremely ambitious and aspired to the ANC deputy presidency at the Mangaung party congress until Zuma judged the governing party’s former General Secretary business tycoon Cyril Ramaphosa to be a more strategic and inclusive choice (AC Vol 54 No 2 Ramaphosa's price)...

Guns, jobs and strikes

‘It’s a pity that Trevor Manuel is withdrawing just as Cyril Ramaphosa is coming in ’ said a former economic advisor...

Displaying 391-400 out of 491 results.