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South Africa

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa

Date of Birth: 17 November 1952
Place of Birth: Johannesburg

Displaying 251-260 out of 491 results.

Unpacking Cyril’s stimulus

President Cyril Ramaphosa's 500 billion rand (US$26bn) stimulus to sustain South Africa's already precarious economy during the Covid-19 lockdown has been welcomed by business and opposition leaders but not unanimously...

Thabane out of time

After several days of talks mediated by Jeff Radebe South African President Cyril Ramaphosa's special envoy after Thabane sent troops onto the streets of Maseru the ruling All Basotho Congress and opposition Democratic Congress struck a deal to form a government...

Heroes and villains in the pandemic

With South Africa in the third week of a lockdown that may only be lifted at the end of April and possibly not even then President Cyril Ramaphosa and Health Minister Zweli Mkhize have been riding a wave of approval with both praised for decisive leadership in handling the coronavirus outbreak (AC Vol 61 No 7 Cyril's double crisis)...

Cyril's double crisis

The country's deepening economic crisis has shifted the power balance in government to the reformists: a triumvirate of President Cyril Ramaphosa Finance Minister Tito Mboweni and South African Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago...

Lockdown shuts down critics President Cyril Ramaphosa's fiercest critics have been brought onside as he engages with political parties business leaders unions church and traditional leaders to tackle the coronavirus crisis (AC Vol 61 No 6 Ramaphosa's next test)...

' In a WhatsApp video sent to the media another political enemy of the President's ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule said: 'The ANC welcomes the announcement by comrade President Cyril Ramaphosa for placing the country under national lockdown necessary measure...

Relying on the neighbours

Botswana's main concern is that President Cyril Ramaphosa keep his word that the coronavirus outbreak and the lockdown of South Africa will not disrupt the supply of goods across the border...

Ramaphosa’s next test

But President Cyril Ramaphosa acted rapidly on 15 March with a comprehensive package of measures to pre-empt and contain the virus which won him immediate praise in political and diplomatic circles...

Africa Confidential understands that one of the reasons for the delay in the announcement was that Ramaphosa's arch rival African National Congress Secretary-General Ace Magashule was threatening to hold his own press conference at party headquarters immediately following the President's announcement but was stopped by senior officials loyal to Ramaphosa (AC Vol 61 No 4 The state of Cyril Ramaphosa)...

In search of an envoy

On 10 March the head of the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) Faiez Serraj met President Cyril Ramaphosa this year's African Union chair in Pretoria...

Tito takes on the workers

If nothing else it will show the markets that President Cyril Ramaphosa and his close allies at least are serious about cutting the budget deficit and managing the ballooning public debt...

Opposition in flux

Now that President Cyril Ramaphosa is steering the ruling African National Congress (ANC) in a more centrist direction he has damaged the DA's ability to restore its status as the main opposition party pundits are saying...

Ramaphosus interruptus

In the first of two last-chance bids by government to forestall a ratings downgrade on the country's credit rating to junk status President Cyril Ramaphosa failed to convince the markets in his State of the Nation address on 13 February...

She let the protestors talk themselves out – rather than be thrown out as in the Jacob Zuma era – after which they walked out of the chamber and were lambasted by the remaining MPs both government and opposition (AC Vol 61 No 3 The state of Cyril Ramaphosa)...

Displaying 251-260 out of 491 results.