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South Africa

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa

Date of Birth: 17 November 1952
Place of Birth: Johannesburg

Displaying 241-250 out of 491 results.

Showdown to follow lockdown

As South Africa continues to ease its Covid-19 lockdown President Cyril Ramaphosa faces a country teetering on the brink of bankruptcy a ruling party more divided than ever and pushback against reform on three fronts...

State companies in the firing line

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni's post-Covid-19 budget is a balancing act that offers President Cyril Ramaphosa a chance to radically restructure the country's ailing state-owned enterprises (SOE) or submit to terms imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in exchange for finance by 2024 economists say...

Farewell to arms

ExportsIn a rare appearance before Parliament and its defence committee Jackson Mthembu Minister in the Presidency accompanied by Mapisa-Nqakula and her deputy Thabang Makwetla have presented the two annual armaments export reports since President Cyril Ramaphosa was elected...

Making free with repression

President Cyril Ramaphosa who chairs the African Union has made its voice heard about Floyd but has been silent on those who died at the hands of security forces in South Africa...

Ruling party wants a reset

Before the Covid-19 pandemic struck South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa and his centrist supporters were locked in combat with followers of former President Jacob Zuma African National Congress Secretary-General Ace Magashule and Deputy President David Mabuza...

Cyril’s lockdown limits

President Cyril Ramaphosa has bowed to mounting business and popular pressure to ease the lockdown from 1 June but has warned that the worst of the pandemic is still to come...

The lockdown finds pushback

After an initial period of broad public acceptance of the government's efforts to manage the pandemic and approval in particular for the measured approach taken by President Cyril Ramaphosa tempers are fraying...

Kudos to the health-workers

Unlike South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa who has used the health crisis there to reassert his leadership position President Muhammadu Buhari has made just three broadcasts on the emergency in the past two months the latest was on 27 April when he announced a phased easing of the lockdown in Lagos Abuja and Ogun State...

Displaying 241-250 out of 491 results.