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South Africa

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa

Date of Birth: 17 November 1952
Place of Birth: Johannesburg

Displaying 221-230 out of 491 results.


    Vol 62 No 1 |

Mapping the long road to recovery

President Cyril Ramaphosa's pandemic team is talking to AstraZeneca Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson (which has been carrying out tests in South Africa) about regulatory criteria pricing and supplies...

The struggle between President Cyril Ramaphosa and his predecessor Jacob Zuma will play out in the courts where the ex-president faces multiple charges of grand corruption but will try to widen it into a political fight if he can get his supporters on the streets in big enough numbers...


Challenging the statist quo

The fortunes of the ruling African National Congress and Cyril Ramaphosa's own survival as party and South African president are dependent on the outcome of municipal elections scheduled for mid-year and on a sustained turnaround in the economy after a third-quarter rebound that coincided with the easing of pandemic-related restrictions (AC Vol 61 No 11 Cyril's lockdown limits)...

Ace shuffles the deck again

President Cyril Ramaphosa has scored in the ongoing battle against the faction bent on unseating him with this week's decision by the African National Congress's Integrity Commission that party Secretary-General Ace Magashule must step down with immediate effect or be suspended (AC Vol 61 No 23 Ace arrest boosts Cyril)...

Rounding up the crooks South Africa's criminal justice system has unravelled massive corruption and looting of state funds since Cyril Ramaphosa efforts to curb graft after he was elected ANC President in December 2017 and President of the country in February 2018...

War resets the region

He thanked the Special Envoys of the AU Chair South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for the AU's concern and this demonstration of support to 'the principle of African solutions to African problems' but ignored any suggestion of a ceasefire...

An uncivil union

The summit will almost certainly take place online – South African President Cyril Ramaphosa who currently chairs the AU has urged Michel not to insist on it being in-person – and with no decisions taken at the end of it...

Elsewhere momentum is being driven at member state level primarily by South Africa whose President Cyril Ramaphosa currently chairs the AU...

Ace arrest boosts Cyril

The 10 November arrest of the second most powerful politician in the ruling African National Congress on charges of corruption following more than 100 graft-related arrests in recent weeks has tipped the scales in favour of President Cyril Ramaphosa but deepened divisions in the party...

The 'Ramaphosa Compromise'

President Cyril Ramaphosa is also boosting the Zondo commission into state capture...

Zondo Zuma and KwaZulu-Natal President Cyril Ramaphosa's zero tolerance of corruption may have given him the upper hand but the increasingly marginalised Zuma faction of the African National Congress is still fighting the dismissal of its officials even after they have been charged with criminal offences...

A change of tone

After a decade of corruption economic decline and a crippling pandemic President Cyril Ramaphosa has unveiled his Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan which does not go as far as his expert advisory panel recommended but far enough to make his promised economic reforms irreversible economists say...

Private capital, green shoots

Winding up a weekend retreat of the African National Congress (ANC) National Executive Committee that focused on how to revive the economy President Cyril Ramaphosa insisted on reform of the energy sector which would be the key driver of the strategy for reconstruction and recovery...

This time, it's personal

Within weeks Cyril Ramaphosa will face his toughest battle as President as he tests his authority against the second-most-powerful politician in the country African National Congress (ANC) Secretary-General Ace Magashule (AC Vol 61 No 18 How to defend the indefensible)...

Displaying 221-230 out of 491 results.