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Jonathan Nathaniel Mlevu Moyo

Date of Birth: 12 January 1957

Displaying 31-40 out of 120 results.

Bail for Baba

Edmund Kudzayi was a favourite of Information Minister Jonathan Moyo who is aligned with Mnangagwa...

The lesser weevils

However the real target was generally believed to be Minister of Information Jonathan Moyo...

Scramble for the top

The Information Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo who has led the charge against those implicated by Salarygate claims the courts will find the draconian defamation law unconstitutional and that the gagging is inappropriate...

Wasting assets

Surprisingly the state media is spearheading the daily campaign against ‘looting' probably co-ordinated by Information Minister Jonathan Moyo...

Ruling party conference ignores crisis

In an unprecedented breach of protocol Jonathan Moyo the Information Minister editorialised in the state media that Mutasa was ‘a dwarf dressed in enormous robes'...

Dilemmas over power cuts and shortages

With Jonathan Moyo back in charge of the Information Ministry there may occasionally be a surreal gloss to headline-grabbing projects and certainly criticism of China will be muted...

Inside ZANU-PF's electoral coup

The effect was less pronounced in Matebeleland North where ZANU-PF took seven seats and Tsvangirai's MDC took six including – to the delight of many – the scalp of Professor Jonathan Moyo...

Displaying 31-40 out of 120 results.