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Paul Kagame

Date of Birth: 23 October 1957
Place of Birth: Ruhango

Displaying 311-320 out of 383 results.

Negating the negatives

As some of the militias are handed over to the United Nations more are going underground to intensify their fight against General Paul Kagame and Major Pierre Buyoya's regimes...

Paul Kagame of Rwanda has lost patience with Buyoya and in an interview with International Afrique Medias has accused Ndayizeye of complicity in the Rwanda massacres of 1994; Ndayizeye strongly denies it...

A sort of peace

Rwanda's Vice-President Paul Kagame is equally worried by the prospect of increased cross-border operations against the FDD whose weakness in eastern Congo is matched by its growing prowess in hit-and-run operations within Burundi...

Friends abroad, foes at home

That means the Interahamwé militias and troops of the former Forces Armées Rwandaises chased out of Kigali by President Paul Kagame's men...

Kagame under siege

President Paul Kagame made his name as a military strategist the successful head of Uganda's military intelligence until 1990 then leader of the forces that conquered his own country's Hutu regime...

Ungracious winner

Besigye's trip to South Africa coincided with a visit by Rwandan President Paul Kagame to President Thabo Mbeki...

Entente partiale

Equally President Jacques Chirac questions Britain's acceptance of the intervention in Congo-Kinshasa by the forces of Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni and Rwanda's President Paul Kagame...

Hope springs eternal

Believing this issue to be back on the agenda President Paul Kagame hailed the promise given by Kabila II at Lusaka and said he entirely supported the peace process...

Le Petit looks good

'Le Petit' as some Belgian and French officials patronisingly call him is not convivial like his late father Laurent-Désiré; he is a quiet non-smoker who fitted in well at a fundamentalist prayer breakfast in Washington - a rival in sobriety to Rwanda's austere Paul Kagame whom the American hosts persuaded to shake hands with his fellow-guest...

Laurent's legacy

Buyoya is said to be sick of being condescended to by his soldier-politician colleagues from Uganda and Rwanda Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame...

Congo imbroglio

In November donor countries urged Rwandan President Paul Kagame to pull his troops out of Congo-K: Kagame is trying to dig in before the pressure gets too strong...

Displaying 311-320 out of 383 results.