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Paul Kagame

Date of Birth: 23 October 1957
Place of Birth: Ruhango

Displaying 261-270 out of 383 results.

Human wrongs

The first countries assessed were Ghana and Rwanda; President John Agyekum Kufuor presented Ghana's report (AC Vol 46 No 19) but President Paul Kagame stayed away...

Follow the money

The Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie (RCD) widely regarded as a stooge of Rwanda's President Paul Kagame wants to establish a reputation for honesty and technocratic competence and nominated Alexis Gisaro to run the Office National des Transports (Onatra) replacing Mwilambwe Kitanda Wetu...

Out and about

Military sources in Kigali tell us Karegeya was released after the former army Chief of Staff Colonel Sam Kaka met President Paul Rugambwa Kagame to discuss the issue...

Cross to bear

At the UN this week Belgian Premier Guy Verhofstadt met Rwandan President Paul Kagame (AC Vol 46 No 17) who promised to look into the affair...

Inside track

Last month President Paul Rugambwa Kagame showed his frustration when he told a women's conference in Kigali that unlike women men were unable to discuss disagreements openly...

Colonel inside

The arrest of the army spokesman and former Director of External Intelligence Colonel Patrick Karegeya on 30 April points to new tensions in President Paul Rugambwa Kagame's government...

Operation Kisanja

Across the western border relations with Rwanda reached a low ebb last year amid tensions over Congo-Kinshasa which since 1995 have driven a wedge between Museveni and his former ally President Paul Kagame...

Too many troops

President Paul Kagame's government in Kigali argues that his soldiers have to strike across the Congo border against rebel fighters in the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda veterans from the old Rwandan government army and their genocidal Interahamwé allies...

On edge

Tensions have heightened since last month when Rwanda's President Paul Kagame warned that he would order his troops across the border to attack the Rwandan Hutu rebels of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR)...

Coming to blows

President Paul Kagame threatened to send his forces across the Congo border to seek out the Hutu rebels he believes are sheltering there...

Displaying 261-270 out of 383 results.