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Paul Kagame

Date of Birth: 23 October 1957
Place of Birth: Ruhango

Displaying 241-250 out of 383 results.

Friendly in Kampala

President Paul Kagame (see Box) was present as a special guest of President Museveni and his country's membership will be decided at the next summit in Trinidad and Tobago in 2009...

Moving on

This gladdened Rwandan President Paul Kagame by calling on the Congolese government and the UN Mission the Mission des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo (Monuc) to start military operations against the remnants of Rwanda's former army the Forces Armées Rwandaises and their Interahamwé militia associates and to put their leaders on trial for genocide and other crimes against humanity...

On the edges of the club

Rwanda became a virtual member of the Commonwealth at its 23-25 November summit in Kampala partly due to President Yoweri Museveni's energetic support for visiting President Paul Kagame and the pair's determination to show their bilateral problems have been settled...

Healing the rift

Rwanda broke them off in November 2006 after a French judge Jean-Louis Bruguière issued arrest warrants against nine of President Paul Kagame's senior officials alleging their complicity in the murder of the late Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana in April 1994 (AC Vol 47 No 24)...

More fighting, more aid

Seasoned Congolese and United Nations' opponents of the Kigali government suspect it is to blame alleging that President Paul Kagame wants to stoke the eastern Congo conflict to justify sending his troops back there...

Africa's mission undermined

Rwandan President Paul Kagame asked on 2 May: 'What is the purpose of having [Amis] there just to sit in the sun and not do what they are expected to do to support the people in Darfur who are suffering...

The past awakes

Belgium's lawyers will deny this which will complicate the case led by French Judge Jean-Louis Bruguière who accuses Rwandan President Paul Kagame of being behind the attack (AC Vol 47 No 24)...

Displaying 241-250 out of 383 results.