Vol 51 No 1 |
The peace deal agreed a year ago between Kabila and Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame (AC Vol 50 No 3) dampened down some of the conflicts in eastern Congo but failed to address growing competition for land as refugees return from Rwanda with their cattle in search of new pastures...
Vol 3 (AAC) No 5 |
Muyeye has been trading with a mysterious Hong Kong-based company: African Ventures Limited belongs to the family of John Crawley a United States-based businessman with close links to Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame and family interests in Hong Kong and China...
Vol 50 No 24 |
Reports that President Paul Kagame had been in Port of Spain as a private citizen were disproved when Sharma said that he had informed Kagame by telephone in Kigali at 2 am...
Those affected include the Assembly Vice-President Onésime Nduwimana who resigned in 2007 in protest against the rising influence of Tribert Rujigiro a Rwandan businessman close to his country's President Paul Kagame...
The UN Tribunal carries on The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was set up by the United Nations Security Council in November 1994 to try those responsible for genocide or other serious offences against international humanitarian law during the terrible events that ended with the victory of the Uganda-based army led by General (and still President) Paul Kagame...
Captain Ildephonse Nizeyimana second-in-command of operations and intelligence at the school for non-commissioned officers; said to have organised massacres at Butare University and to have ordered the murder of 'Queen' Rosalie Gicanda widow of the late Tutsi sovereign Mwami Mutara III and an aunt of President Paul Kagame...
Kamerhe a Hutu from South Kivu who distrusts President Paul Kagame’s government in Kigali says Kabila should have consulted Parliament before signing an accord with Kagame (AC Vol 50 No 3)...
Vol 50 No 5 |
Those efforts improved relations between Paris and Kigali whose President Paul Kagame had broken diplomatic relations with France in November 2006 (AC Vol 47 No 24)...
Yet in 2008 President Paul Kagame's government banned Des Forges from entering the Rwanda she so loved...
President Paul Kagame's troops have been spearheading joint operations against the Hutu militiamen of the Forces Démocratique pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) in eastern Congo and late last month they arrested Tutsi rebel leader Laurent Nkunda in western Rwanda...