Since the 1994 Rwandan genocide when Hutu militiamen blamed for the murder of 800 000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus fled into the jungles of eastern Congo-K to eventually form the FDLR Rwandan President Paul Kagame has used the militia's presence to justify invasions of his mineral-rich neighbour's territory...
Vol 55 No 10 |
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni Rwandan President Paul Kagame and South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit were present for the signing...
President Paul Kagame's keynote speech at the Amahoro Stadium on 7 April urged everyone to face up to their responsibilities since 'the people who planned and carried out the genocide were Rwandans but the history and root causes go beyond this country'...
For others the event affirmed and consolidated President Paul Kagame's rule...
Africa Confidential thronged the red carpet to see a relaxed-looking Paul Kagame smiling Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba and fit-looking Denis Sassou-Nguesso arrive from Rwanda Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville respectively...
The source of President Paul Kagame's apparent animus against South Africa stems from its role in helping consolidate the regime of President Joseph Kabila in Congo-Kinshasa in 2002-03...
His regional colleagues – Ethiopia's Hailemariam Desalegn Rwanda's Paul Kagame and Kenya's Uhuru Kenyatta – smile knowingly but for now accept their elder's dominant role...
Vol 55 No 2 |
Despite some weak fundamentals such as a modest export base a large current account deficit and fiscal reliance on donor flows the country benefits says Samir Gadio of Standard Bank from low levels of corruption and efficient economic management under President Paul Kagame's government which could effect a structural transformation in the medium term...
'On 11 January President Paul Kagame addressed a national prayer breakfast in Kigali just two days after some bizarre internet reports emanating from Congo-Kinshasa claimed that he himself had been killed by his own bodyguard...
Vol 54 No 22 |
Major diplomatic pressure was applied to Rwandan President Paul Kagame through the donor aid suspensions and visits to Kigali by special envoys to the Great Lakes Region...