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Mthuli Ncube

Date of Birth: 30 November 1964
Place of Birth: Bulawayo

Displaying 41-47 out of 47 results.

Turbulent beginnings

Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube's new theme is 'Austerity for Prosperity' and he is attempting to implement what he calls a 'Transitional Stabilisation Programme'...

Trafigura in a tug-of-war

The first sign that Mnangagwa's regime was targeting Tagwirei emerged late last month when a dismissed ZANU-PF member William Mutumanje (also known as Acie Lumumba) who had just been appointed by new Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube to chair a communications task force alleged that Tagwirei was a 'queen bee' fleecing the economy by dominating the fuel sector...

Debts balloon prices skyrocket Zimbabwe's new Minister of Finance the primarily apolitical Mthuli Ncube faces an enormous and contradictory challenge...


Open for negotiations

Mnangagwa's most imaginative move was to appoint Mthuli Ncube as finance minister...

Mthuli Ncube

At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos from 25-29 January Mthuli Ncube welcomed Chinese investment but cautioned that Chinese and African governments should ensure local partners share in the economic boom for example through joint ventures...

Displaying 41-47 out of 47 results.