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United Kingdom

David William Donald Cameron

Date of Birth: 9 September 1966
Place of Birth: London, UK

Displaying 51-56 out of 56 results.

Stalemate in Seoul

” The paragraph proposed by British Prime Minister David Cameron and agreed on by all the African participants is short on detail...

Bullets over Darfur

British Prime Minister David Cameron who was in Beijing in early November spoke of China’s ‘national interest’ in bringing stability to Sudan one of its most important oil suppliers...

Approaching the summit

Equally it would be hard to help Zimbabwe sort out its problems without a delegation led by President Robert Mugabe thus compelling British Prime Minister David Cameron to stay away...

Buttering up Zuma

A political nightmare could arise about some likely African participants notably Sudan's President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir (for whom the International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for war crimes and genocide) and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe whom British Prime Minister David Cameron would surely refuse to meet...

    Vol 3 (AAC) No 12 |

Ratan N. Tata

He sits on the board of South Africa’s International Investment Council and in September 2010 joined British Prime Minister David Cameron’s team of business advisors...

Selective divestment

Last April the Conservative Shadow Secretary for International Development Andrew Mitchell with full support from party leader David Cameron introduced a motion in Parliament calling for British companies to withdraw from Sudan in protest against ethnic cleansing; he highlighted the role of oil production and petrodollars in fuelling atrocities in Darfur...

Fidelity has contributed to Tory Party funds in 11 instalments since 2004; its last donation of £20 000 was in October 2007 a month before David Cameron visited Sudan...

Displaying 51-56 out of 56 results.