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Joice Mujuru (Teurai Ropa 'Spill blood')

Date of Birth: 15 April 1955
Place of Birth: Mount Darwin

Displaying 161-168 out of 168 results.

Still the boss

Joyce Mujuru held on at Education as did Tenjiwe Lesabe at Women's Affairs though she had failed to turn out the crucial female vote at the polls...

Morgan versus Mugabe

At present the Politbureau is dominated by Mugabe's lieutenants from the liberation struggle of the 1970s: Robert Mugabe (President and First Secretary) Simon Muzenda (Second Secretary and Vice- President) Joseph Msika (Second Secretary and Vice-President) John Nkomo (Chairman) Didymus Mutasa (Administration) Emmerson Mnangagwa (Finance) Moven Mahachi (Commissariat and Culture) Stephen Nkomo (External Affairs) Sydney Sekeramayi (Security) Nathan Shamuyarira (Information and Publicity) Welshman Mabhena (Transport and Welfare) Tenjiwe Lesabe (Women's Affairs) Josiah Tungamirai (Youth) Naison Ndlovu (Economic Affairs) Eddison Zvobgo (Legal) Joyce Mujuru (Education) Oppah Rushesha Muchinguri (Health) Vacant (Production and Labour)...

Multi-party Mugabe

Then the Minister for Rural Resources and Water Development Joyce Mujuru started singing loudly in Shona - 'Zimbabwe ndeyeropa baba Zimbabwe ndeyeropa remadzibaba' ('Zimbabwe's freedom was won through bloodshed')...

He has Mugabe's personal support and that of ZANU stalwarts such as Chen Chimutengwende Oppa Rushesha and Joyce Mujuru...

Joyce Mujuru retained her post at Rural Resources and Water Development...

First the provinces, then the presidency

The elections were described by Politbureau member and Minister of Water Resources Joyce Mujuru as one-sided; they showed the depth of factionalism in the province...

Counting allies

The women in ZANU are dominated by Joyce Mujuru wife of former army commander Solomon Mujuru...

Wrong number

The then-Posts and Telecommunications Minister Joyce Mujuru is married to former Army Commander Solomon Mujuru a one-time business associate of Makamba...

More pay, less graft

When Vice-President Joshua Nkomo directed Information Minister Joyce Mujuru to give Econet the contract Mujuru ignored the order saying Nkomo was too old to make sensible decisions...


His successor at Posts is Joyce Mujuru (wife of former army commander Solomon Mujuru AC Vol 37 No 9) who returns to the Cabinet after serving as Mashonaland Central Governor...

Displaying 161-168 out of 168 results.