President Robert Mugabe was due to open the Lusaka Trade Fair this week - also with domestic considerations in mind: visiting the many graves of freedom fighters which Zimbabwe has been refurbishing...
President Robert Mugabe heads SADC's military/security apparatus which he has argued should have more ad hoc powers and the right to call summit meetings...
Business has never liked President Robert Mugabe's government for promising land reform (hitting commercial farms in favour of poor peasants) and paying fat pensions to liberation struggle veterans...
Having been handed the baton by outgoing Chairman Robert Mugabe Compaoré opened the 34th OAU summit in Ouagadougou with a call to redefine the organisation in order to cope with the economic and political pressures of globalisation...
Britain expected by President Robert Mugabe's government to help pay for the scheme may wash its hands of the whole thing due to ‘lack of transparency' ...
But in the first week of May Labour Minister Florence Chitauro asked the ZCTU to submit its grievances in preparation for a meeting with President Robert Mugabe...
When January's riots followed December's peaceful demonstrations Zimbabweans started to say that President Robert Mugabe was finished...
In Lusaka in mid-April she made some puzzlingly favourable public comments though even Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe is known to be fed up with Chiluba (as are his Botswanan Mozambican and South African counterparts) who is embarrassing the Southern Africa Development Community...
They are Leo Mugabe nephew of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe; Ousseynou Dieng who runs the Côte d'Ivoire national lottery; and veteran soccer-politician Mawade Wade of Senegal...
The Fund believes its only hope of influencing President Robert Mugabe's government was to offer it a reward...