President Robert Mugabe may not after all be heading for a speedy retirement although he was 75 in February and has held power since April 1980...
Rautenbach has close personal ties with Zimbabwe's Justice Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa who also manages the business holdings of the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union and has been the main strategist along with President Robert Mugabe of Harare's intervention to shore up Laurent Kabila's government...
Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe is irritated because his country hosted the first regional peacekeeping exercise Blue Hungwe in 1997 with 1 500 troops; Blue Crane is far larger with 8 000...
Vol 40 No 5 |
Looking for a way out of the Congo war Presidents Robert Mugabe Sam Nujoma and José Eduardo dos Santos emerged grim-faced from their Kinshasa summit with President Laurent- Désiré Kabila on 1 March (AC Vol 40 No 2)...
Vol 40 No 9 |
Pretoria wants Britain to push the South African trade and investment case in the EU; Britain wants Pretoria to play a more hands-on security role within SADC (where South Africa's rival is Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe)...
Vol 40 No 8 |
Kabila and Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe accuse Washington of openly siding with the rebels when it unblocked two billion dollars in aid to Uganda while in late March the US Agency for International Development announced the blocking of its aid to Zimbabwe because of human rights violations there...
They aim to occupy the political space between President Robert Mugabe’s government and old-guard oppositionists such as Ndabaningi Sithole Bishop Abel Muzorewa and Edgar Tekere...
Vol 40 No 2 |
Yet President Robert Mugabe faces opposition to the deployment both from the employers’ federation and from the trade unions in Zimbabwe whose unity on this issue is quietly welcomed by the donor governments which have frozen the flow of aid – although in December those same donors pledged US$2...
President Robert Mugabe's fight against Zimbabwe's homegrown rebellions isn't meeting with much more success...
The internecine disputes played out in the provincial party elections of 28 November have added frisson this year because of growing doubts about President Robert Mugabe's ability to hang on until the 2002 elections...