Vol 41 No 8 |
Also barely noticed behind the Gadaffi carnival and Britain's row with Zimbabwe amid President Robert Mugabe's lurching strides towards consolidating his dictatorship was France's announcement that it would effectively write-off US$7 billion of African debt within five years...
Rather than change policy now the circle around President Robert Mugabe believes it can use the state security apparatus to undercut the rural opposition and a militant squad of well-paid war veterans to intimidate opposition supporters in the towns...
President Robert Mugabe has taken over the portfolio...
It was clearly a massive protest vote against President Robert Mugabe's government but the loyalist forces were hardly mobilised as shown by the huge stayaways in ZANU-PF's core constituencies in the rural areas which make up 70 per cent of Zimbabwe...
This is despite a cabinet meeting in Downing Street last month when Prime Minister Tony Blair overruled Foreign Secretary Robin Cook's arguments for continuing to block arms export licences in particular spare parts for the Hawk jets which British Aerospace (BAe) sold President Robert Mugabe's government a decade ago...
Vol 41 No 4 |
Presidents Robert Mugabe (and his 11 000 or so Zimbabwean troops) José Eduardo dos Santos (and some 5 000 Angolan troops) and Sam Nujoma (around 2 500 Namibian troops) have been the backbone of the war against the rebels supported by Rwanda and Uganda...
Last month President Sam Nujoma backed Luanda's onslaught on 'UNITA bandits' straight after a summit at State House Windhoek with Angolan Defence Minister Kundi Paihama Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Congo-Kinshasa's President Laurent-Désiré Kabila...
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has another six months as chairman of SADC's security organ (through which he negotiated the endorsement of Zimbabwe's Angola's and Namibia's intervention in Congo-K)...
Then on 4 January President Robert Mugabe loath to give power to a prime minister announced the elections would be held in March - whatever the state of the reforms...
Mazimhaka recently led a delegation to Harare urging President Robert Mugabe to restrain Kabila...