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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 621-630 out of 715 results.

Multi-party Mugabe

Mnangagwa won with 87 votes (which included the 30 members of parliament nominated by President Robert Mugabe) against 57 votes for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change's candidate Mike Mataure...

ZANU-PF's Pyrrhic victory

Until the presidential polls and the exit of President Robert Mugabe Zimbabweans can expect an extended election campaign punctuated by desperate discussions with creditors and the International Monetary Fund as well as new battles over constitutional reform between ZANU-PF and its opponents...

From the other side

Tsvangirai has turned down an offer of a nominated seat from President Robert Mugabe and will be concentrating his efforts on his bid for the Presidency in 2002...

A tangled web

Reared in a squatter family in Nakuru (once an all-white community) Koigi recently wrote a polemic in the respected Nairobi weekly the East African praising Robert Mugabe's land policies...

Too dry for crops

Yet there are close links between the governing South West Africa People's Organisation (AC Vol 41 No 2) and the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and President Sam Nujoma has loudly supported President Robert Mugabe's demands that Britain compensate the white farmers...

Cautious in Malawi

Much as Malawians resent these inequities those that crossed the south-western border to work in Zimbabwe have felt the brunt of President Robert Mugabe's election campaigning on the land issue...

Glittering prizes from the war

The war continues to consume President Robert Mugabe's government's scarce resources: fuel shortages mass redundancies soaring inflation and interest rates in Zimbabwe are all blamed on the intervention in Congo...

Comrade Mugabe's last stand

President Robert Mugabe under unprecedented political pressure has little incentive to cut a deal with the former colonial power this time...

The region rumbles

Mbeki's main objective has been to end the Congo war and make the Lusaka II ceasefire work through a delicate balance of moral suasion and economic pressure on President Robert Mugabe...

Displaying 621-630 out of 715 results.