The more opponents urge President Robert Mugabe to quit the more he wants to stay put...
At present the Politbureau is dominated by Mugabe's lieutenants from the liberation struggle of the 1970s: Robert Mugabe (President and First Secretary) Simon Muzenda (Second Secretary and Vice- President) Joseph Msika (Second Secretary and Vice-President) John Nkomo (Chairman) Didymus Mutasa (Administration) Emmerson Mnangagwa (Finance) Moven Mahachi (Commissariat and Culture) Stephen Nkomo (External Affairs) Sydney Sekeramayi (Security) Nathan Shamuyarira (Information and Publicity) Welshman Mabhena (Transport and Welfare) Tenjiwe Lesabe (Women's Affairs) Josiah Tungamirai (Youth) Naison Ndlovu (Economic Affairs) Eddison Zvobgo (Legal) Joyce Mujuru (Education) Oppah Rushesha Muchinguri (Health) Vacant (Production and Labour)...
Yet their personal loyalty towards President Robert Mugabe seems to have declined sharply in the past five years - even if there is no clear military favourite to succeed him...
Two weeks of mass opposition protests and clashes with the army and police have further weakened President Robert Mugabe and his opponents draw parallels with the overthrow of Yugoslav President Slobadan Milosevic this month...
Vol 41 No 20 |
The latest stage in the regional talks brought in Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Namibian President Sam Nujoma to a meeting with Kabila in Windhoek on 9 October...
Obasanjo may have political clout abroad (he's one of few leaders to whom Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe listens) but Nigeria lacks the military muscle to buttress its diplomacy...
Most informed observers reckon that the MDC's supporters were simply voting for change both in the political system and in President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front...
President Robert Mugabe's and Kabila's hope now is that they will be able to deepen the splits in Congo rebel ranks...
Tvind's new headquarters in Zimbabwe were opened by President Robert Mugabe...
Vol 41 No 17 |
Unquestionably commercial and diplomatic relations between Kabila and Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe have deteriorated in the past few months...
Vol 41 No 17 |
Conscious of the dangers of complacency President Thabo Mbeki and the ANC's leaders denounce 'graft' and 'careerism' in the party to show how different they want to be from President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front...