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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 561-570 out of 715 results.

Succession issues

The bargain would be that President Robert Mugabe agrees to retire within the year in exchange for Britain lifting sanctions compensating displaced white farmers and financing agricultural development...

The big men look to the future

Zimbabweans are in the midst of their country's worst economic crisis since the liberation war and face the determination of another 78-year-old Robert Gabriel Mugabe to remain in power until the third chimurenga (the war against invaders) has been completed...

Son of Sam

Despite Nujoma's public support for Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe he has told his circle that he doesn't intend to allow the Namibian economy to follow Zimbabwe's into decline for the sake of ideology...

Kraaling out of trouble

The 22-member National Working Committee the 'inner leadership core' elected by the NEC includes cabinet members who owe their jobs to him plus such loyalists as Tony Yengeni a member of parliament facing charges over an alleged kickback from an arms company and KwaZulu-Natal Housing Minister Dumisani Makhaye an ardent admirer of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe who believes the ANC and Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front should merge...

The view from the Seine

It is concerned about leaders such as Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe who believe they can ignore international pressure by relying on donors who won't ask hard questions such as Libya China Iran or Taiwan while adopting a faux radical pose of confronting a new Western imperialism...

Bad governance

On 25 November Sassou's Zimbabwean counterpart President Robert Mugabe had been less lucky...

Hasty engagement

Gadaffi's support has kept President Ange-Félix Patassé in power in Central African Republic and even more controversially helped to underwrite President Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe - financially through loans and oil grants and by seconding security personnel...

Fighting for peace

France believes the British-led European attempt to confront Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has merely encouraged him to take an even more isolationist and aggressive line and fears the same could happen with Gbagbo...

Displaying 561-570 out of 715 results.