Vol 50 No 1 |
Kikwete alongside the Southern Africa Development Community and the African Union will keep pressing President Robert Mugabe and Premier Morgan Tsvangirai to agree on a transitional government for Zimbabwe...
Vol 50 No 1 |
Given that he has already been president for 26 years the speculation seems misplaced; some insiders however now suggest th hat at 75 years old with signs of failing health Biya lacks the grim determination of his counterparts Bongo of Gabon and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe to die in office...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 9 |
President Robert Mugabe then insisted that the credit facility did indeed exist and is about to be finalised but he added that full credit must be given to the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 8 |
Despite opposition claims that China would lose influence because of its close relations with President Robert Mugabe and its historical support for the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) trade with Zimbabwe is increasing again...
As Ambassador to Zimbabwe since December 2006 he has had to manage Harare's expectations that China would always be there to rescue President Robert Mugabe's regime although the China veto was used to block more serious sanctions against political leaders...
Kim's next stop was to pay perhaps a last visit to President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 5 |
That is it fits with President Robert Mugabe's 'Look East' policy which has tried (not very successfully see AAC Vol 2 No 2) to compensate for lost inflows from Western investors...
Robert Mugabe has strong ties with Malaysia: he and Grace often holiday at the Berjaya Langkawi Beach and Spa Resort...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 5 |
After disappointments in Asia President Robert Mugabe and Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono have been working hard to bring in Russian capital especially in the opaque diamond sector...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 4 |
Beijing likes Sirleaf Johnson because of her strong international credentials - unlike its other partners such as Sudan's Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe...
Kuala Lumpur continues to welcome Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace Murufu on their annual holidays; this year they withdrew over $30 000 from the cash-strapped Reserve Bank for expenses...