One of his rivals Robert Mugabe's Minister of Education Lazarus Dokora has dropped out of the race following an assassination attempt earlier in the year...
On his return Mnangagwa told supporters at Robert Mugabe airport in Harare that United States President Joe Biden had greeted him positively and instructed his staffers to set up meetings bypassing the US Embassy in Harare...
What this meant in practical terms emerged when President Robert Mugabe had to form a coalition government with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change in the wake of the flawed 2008 general elections...
The executive director of Open Society of Southern Africa and the son of Sydney Malunga a politician and critic of late President Robert Mugabe Malunga was accused of 'peddling falsehoods' about the role of the army in the 2018 elections after he had criticised electoral violence and intimidation...
The deal with Coven Energy could allow Mnangagwa to wrest significant financial power from Chiwenga a former army general who led the coup against Robert Mugabe in 2017 and who some suspect could turn on the current president...
On 3 March America renewed financial and travel sanctions against Mnangagwa and over 100 other Zanu-PF officials which have been in place since 2002 during the era of Robert Mugabe (AC Vol 54 No 22 The sanctions card is worn out)...
These tactics as well as some co-optation of activists have put him in as a strong position as he has been in since the ousting of President Robert Mugabe in November 2017...
It was originally allocated to Ruschrome Mining by President Robert Mugabe in 2006 before being taken over by Vi Holding in 2014 after failing to attract financing (AC Vol 54 No 25 Arms-for-minerals trades exposed & Vol 55 No 14 Arms-for-platinum deal)...
Having founded Sakunda in 2005 Tagwirei 51 was well established but much more discreet before Mnangagwa and Chiwenga seized power from President Robert Mugabe in 2017...
An ironic reworking of the putsch that Mnangagwa and Chiwenga had jointly organised against President Robert Mugabe in November 2017...
However if it can present a joint government with Khupe's MDC as a serious government of national unity – intentionally recalling the coalition government of Tsvangirai and then-President Robert Mugabe – it may win over some Western governments and international institutions...