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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 281-290 out of 712 results.

Easter parade

Kasukuwere has even lambasted President Robert Mugabe's close ally Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono for warning of the dangers of the same jambanja (violence) in the industrial sector that has accompanied land reform in the countryside...

The rise and rise of son of Sam

A strong supporter of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe Nujoma publicly berates journalists who criticise his father...

Reluctantly to the election

The timing will depend on whether Zuma’s 16-18 March mission to Harare can secure a deal on the key battles between the parties: appointing provincial premiers the Reserve Bank Governor and the Attorney General and President Robert Mugabe’s unilateral decision to strip four ministers from rival parties of any effective powers...

The next revolution

Insiders say that President Robert Mugabe was incensed by Makamba’s close relationship with First Lady Grace Marufu Mugabe...

A clash at the border

In this latest clash between neighbours it may be that someone in Harare wanted to reply to Botswana President Ian Khama’s criticism of Robert Mugabe...

At last month’s African Union summit in Addis Ababa Ethiopia Botswana’s Vice-President Lieutenant General Mompati Merafhe asked for a meeting with President Robert Mugabe but Zimbabwean officials said the President’s aeroplane had left early...

Petrified Politburos

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front’s 49-member policy-making committee announced by Robert Gabriel Mugabe national President and First Secretary of ZANU-PF reflects the party’s crisis over its leadership succession and its obsession with regional and ethnic balancing...

No one writes to the Colonel

No Western poodle Mutharika is a staunch ally of his neighbour President Robert Mugabe and remonstrates with British officials for interfering in Zimbabwe...

The President ends his holiday

It now looks as if far from being a temporary expedient the coalition arrangement set up in February 2009 will last the full life of the five-year Parliament elected in 2008 and that President Robert Gabriel Mugabe plans to serve out his full five-year term too...

A slow return to growth

ZANU-PF's succession struggle will intensify as President Robert Mugabe's influence (balanced by that of the competent MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti) starts to recede...

Displaying 281-290 out of 712 results.