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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 201-210 out of 715 results.

Mugabe breaks with the region

By snubbing the African National Congress centenary celebrations and their host South African President Jacob Zuma President Robert Mugabe wanted to make some political points...

A race against time

Both President Robert Gabriel Mugabe’s Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) want elections as soon as possible...

A pause in economic progress

Shaky global commodity prices will depress earnings from the mines including the covert deals that President Robert Mugabe’s aides have made over diamond sales from the Marange fields...

The takeovers will buy votes

In papers submitted to the High Court for yet another extension on setting by-elections in late September President Robert Mugabe gave an effective commitment to general elections by the end of March 2013...

CIF starts work in Zimbabwe

On 12 September the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation reported on a meeting between China Railway Construction Corporation President Zhao Guangfa and President Robert Mugabe...

Careless communication costs lives

On 4 August his public appearance at the Agriculture and Commercial Show also graced by Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe was rapidly curtailed after young protestors heckled and booed Sata pursuing him around the stands demanding jobs and more money in their pockets...

Welshman Ncube

After tortuous negotiations led by Ncube the deal looks set to go ahead at last after President Robert Mugabe returns from the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Iran in early September...

No retail therapy here

The attacks have been so bad that President Robert Mugabe whose own wife’s shopping is legendary sent word to editors through Information Minister Webster Shamu to respect the privacy of public figures...

Diamonds give you wings

Movement for Democratic Change oppositionists argue that the Anjin investment was approved by Emmerson Mnangagwa the Defence Minister and ally of President Robert Mugabe when he was the Acting Mines Minister in 2010...

Parting gifts

Working on the principle that flattery gets one everything and with heads of state one can lay it on with a trowel Xin learned precisely which buttons to push to massage President Robert Mugabe’s prickly ego without seeming obsequious...

Displaying 201-210 out of 715 results.