Vol 65 No 12 |
A prominent example is Zimbabwe's GNU established in 2009 between President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)...
That was the slogan that Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa used to burnish his credentials with diplomats and companies in the aftermath of the coup d'etat that ousted Robert Gabriel Mugabe in November 2017...
Mnangagwa's slogan in the 2018 elections – his first after ousting Robert Mugabe – was that Zimbabwe was open for business and that he would end the country's US dollar shortage...
Chiwenga who had told associates he would inherit the presidency from Mnangagwa as a reward for his role in the coup that toppled Robert Mugabe is said to be furious that Mnangagwa was permitted to run for a second term...
Former Deputy Presidents under Robert Mugabe Joice Mujuru and Phelekezela Mphoko attended as did former first lady Grace Mugabe and her family...
His rise to prominence and wealth mirrors that of the changing fortunes of the Zimbabwean elite as power – and money – shifted from President Robert Mugabe and his family and followers to the circle around Chiwenga and Mnangagwa after they removed Mugabe from power in 2017...
Filings submitted by former airline pilot Simba Chikore during his divorce from Robert Mugabe's only daughter Bona Mugabe revealed an estate worth at least US$95 million and that doesn't include their many farms...
If Bona's inheritance was in the tens of millions this raises the question as to how much the family as a whole was able to acquire as Robert Mugabe was survived by his wife Grace and four children including a stepson...
Muswere is a close friend of President Mnangagwa's family: he provided food and transport helping to get Mnangagwa out of the country during the 2017 coup that ousted Robert Mugabe...
The diamond mines provided under-taxed wealth to senior elites within the security services thereby securing their loyalty to President Robert Mugabe when he needed their help in effectively reversing his loss of the 2008 presidential election...
Masisi's sunny relations with Mnangagwa make a stark contrast with the feud that governed relations between the predecessors of both men Ian Khama and Robert Mugabe...
' Chiwenga has moved from leader of the military coup that ousted President Robert Mugabe in 2017 to become the ambitious politician that he is today...
The only upset in the proceedings was a walk-out by delegates from Mashonaland Central before the nomination proceedings in Harare's Robert Mugabe Square in protest against what they say is the authoritarian rule of Mnangagwa ally Kazembe Kazembe in their province...