Confusion abounds about General Sani Abacha's political intentions...
Among the regional powers Nigeria's General Sani Abacha now seems comfortable with Taylor although military predecessor Gen...
Speculation about General Sani Abacha's political ambitions dominates the calculations of aspiring presidential candidates who had wanted to throw their hats in the ring before the 15 March local government elections...
They say General Sani Abacha believes in sweeping privatisation of state-owned assets and still wants Ani to liberalise the economy...
For those who believe that General Sani Abacha wants to shore up his popularity before standing for the presidency in October 1998 this is a critical year: the start of his transition from remote military strongman to civilianised leader...
Vol 38 No 2 |
General Sani Abacha's 31 December announcement that by stepping up French teaching Nigeria will in 'a very short time' become bilingual is a shrewd diplomatic move however unrealistic it may seem...
Sani Abacha; Niger's Colonel Barré Mainassara; Gambia's Captain Yahya Jammeh; Chad's Col...
Vol 38 No 1 |
Engen-Petronas also eager to get into oil production is targeting Nigeria this year; General Sani Abacha has been wooing Asian capital...
He has regional support from Compaoré Nigeria's General Sani Abacha and Togo's President Gnassingbé Eyadèma but not from a distinctly chilly Mali...
Sani Abacha himself got the job which may have been his aim all along...