President Uhuru Kenyatta's Jubilee Party which grew out of the governing Jubilee coalition and combines twelve small parties will face Raila Odinga's Coalition for Reform and Democracy which unlike Jubilee continues to fragment amid internal quarrels (AC Vol 57 No 14 Warnings of a bad election)...
In a 2010 dossier sent by Michael Ranneberger the then United States Ambassador to the government and to Raila Odinga that was discussed in Parliament on 21 December that year Joho was listed among five Kenyans as a prime suspect in international drug trafficking...
Both Raila Odinga the head of the opposition Orange Democratic Movement and Hassan Omar Mombasa Senator and Secretary General of the Wiper Democratic Movement endorsed Maraga as a politically neutral hard-working insider with integrity...
Indeed it is ironic that the Kenyan opposition is now campaigning for the greater use of technology in elections: in 2013 both the voter verification hardware and a newly-minted electronic transmission system failed leading Raila Odinga to contests the results in court (AC Vol 54 No 6 The closest of shaves)...
KANU has banded together with Raila Odinga's Coalition for Reform and Democracy to accuse the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission of conspiring in vote-rigging for Jubilee but it has so far ruled out joining forces at the polls...
The Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga accused the Kwekwe squad which the government insists no longer exists of killing the outspoken businessman and critic Jacob Juma this May adding that Kenyans were 'tired of political assassinations'...
The contest will again pit President Uhuru Kenyatta's Jubilee Alliance Party against Raila Amolo Odinga's Coalition for Reform and Democracy (CORD)...
CORD leader Raila Odinga has threatened to boycott the elections unless the IEBC is reformed: many assume that would include replacing the Chairperson...
Ethnic politics colour poll body row It is hard now to believe the joy with which the then Prime Minister Raila Odinga and his Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) greeted the appointment of Ahmed Issack Hassan as Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chairperson in November 2011...
Pressure on the government is also mounting from the opposition Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga to divulge the whereabouts of Kenya's Eurobond funds...
Meanwhile Raila Odinga head of the opposition Coalition for Reform and Democracy whose Luo ethnic group has been among those most aggrieved by the carve-up of Kenya's economic wealth since independence gave the closing speech and received a standing ovation...
In February 2012 the ICC did not confirm charges against Hussein Ali Kenya's police chief or Henry Kosgey a senior figure in Raila Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)...