With Nagy in place Washington is set to push a better coordinated response to President Joseph Kabila's ambiguous commitment to free elections in Congo-Kinshasa...
Vol 59 No 17 |
Many oppositionists believe that the nomination of Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary to stand in the presidential election in place of President Joseph Kabila means the continuation of the two-term head of state's rule in all but name...
Vol 59 No 16 |
But on 8 August President Joseph Kabila approved his former interior minister Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary as his chosen successor...
Vol 59 No 16 |
While ex-President Jacob Zuma was close to President Joseph Kabila President Cyril Ramaphosa though preoccupied with domestic political crises was cool towards Kabila staying in power and that could have been an important factor in his decision not to stay on...
Congo's President Joseph Kabila didn't attend the AU summit and has cancelled meetings with UN Secretary General António Guterres and US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley...
Vol 59 No 12 |
Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala Nzenze signed into law regulations which overhaul the regime governing the mining sector on 9 June making real the worst fears of Glencore Randgold Resources China Molybdenum and other exploiters of Congo-Kinshasa's vast store of copper cobalt gold and other valuable minerals The mining code passed by parliament in January and approved by President Joseph Kabila on 9 March took the miners by surprise and tore up previous commitments the companies considered sacrosanct (AC Vol 59 No 4 Kabila squeezes the miners)...
Vol 59 No 6 |
Now as then rebel factions are in an arms race fuelled by mineral exports as they use violence to try to break the political impasse caused by President Joseph Kabila's failure to hold elections in 2016 and his apparent intention to stay in office for the foreseeable future...
Vol 59 No 5 |
So is Joseph Kabila's reliance on Kinyarwanda-speaking FARDC troops as his Praetorian Guard...
Zuma's exit deepens Kabila's regional isolation Southern African support for President Joseph Kabila is beginning to wobble following the ousting of Jacob Zuma a key ally of the Congolese President...
Munene has been under house arrest in Congo-Brazzaville for years after falling out with Joseph Kabila and escaping an armed attack on his own house in Kinshasa in 2010...
Vol 59 No 4 |
Western mining companies – led by Glencore and Randgold – are readying for battle with President Joseph Kabila over the government's plans to hike taxes and royalties on their operations...
Vol 59 No 1 |
Yet as the months roll on it will become ever more apparent that the vote won't happen and Joseph Kabila isn't going anywhere...