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Joseph Kabila

Date of Birth: 4 June 1971
Place of Birth: Hewa Bora, South Kivu

Displaying 251-260 out of 450 results.

Hush hush money

Also on Ecofin’s list for questioning by the Assembly is the Minister in charge of State Assets Jeannine Mabunda Lioko; the ex-President of the diamond company Société Minière de Bakwanga (Miba) Gustave Luabeya Tshitala; and the Managing Director of Emaxon Finance International controlled by Israeli businessman Dan Gertler who is close to President Joseph Kabila...

Rapprochement and opportunity

After the warming of Paris-Kigali relations last year’s decision by Kagame and Congolese President Joseph Kabila to exploit jointly Lake Kivu’s methane gas to generate electricity also offers more opportunities to French companies...

The UN looks for the exit

President Joseph Kabila wants Monuc to leave which would weaken donor influence over the electoral process; in 2006 Monuc's logistics infrastructure ensured the timely delivery of voting materials and its troops protected polling stations...

Kabila and a sad jubilee

This year President Joseph Kabila has his chance to boost his standing with voters before the 2011 presidential and parliamentary election campaign...

Football, contracts and then votes

He complains that Congolese officials boycotted the party for his country’s national day on 11 November and that he was not invited when President Joseph Kabila met the diplomatic corps (AC Vol 50 No 22)...

Cooperating with Cohydro

The KNOC-Cohydro deal follows President Joseph Kabila’s trip to South Korea in March when he signed cooperation deals in construction mining manufacturing and health...

A golden child in Zuma's family

Zuma's companies now have the rights to Blocks 1 and 2 in the Lake Albert Basin licences originally awarded by President Joseph Kabila's government to Ireland's Tullow and South Africa's Divine Inspiration Group in 2006...

Is what is good for Zijin good for Congo?

A storm is gathering over attempts by China’s Zijin Mining Group to buy Platmin Congo without prior approval from President Joseph Kabila’s government despite generally good Beijing-Kinshasa relations...

Displaying 251-260 out of 450 results.