Vol 51 No 19 |
But most of the Katanga miners in the Fédération des Entreprises du Congo did nothing including Anvil Mining which extracts copper and silver at Dikulushi and one of whose veterans is President Joseph Kabila’s close advisor Augustin Katumba Mwanke...
Now Kagame and current Congolese President Joseph Kabila have brought their countries into alliance again and they both roundly condemn the UN report’s claims...
Among several crimes blamed on Congo’s security forces are the massacres of Hutu refugees in Orientale Province said to have been committed jointly by Rwandan and Congolese soldiers; the Congolese were commanded by Joseph Kabila who is now President...
Ethiopia appealed to President Joseph Kabila’s government in Kinshasa to join the upstream group (AC Vol 51 No 14)...
Vol 51 No 16 |
President Joseph Kabila's government is set for another round of legal clashes with foreign companies...
Vol 51 No 15 |
During the trouble a soldier and a policeman were killed and members of President Joseph Kabila’s family took refuge with the Presidential Guards in Kibembe camp...
Like his father Joseph Kabila is identified with the Balubakat the antisecessionist Katangan Baluba people from the north of the province...
Vol 51 No 14 |
A public square that once bore a statue of Leopold II the Belgian king who carved out the country as his personal possession in 1885 has been renamed Place du 30 juin; from it above new fountains a balloon emblazoned with the face of President Joseph Kabila flies high and pretty...
Vol 51 No 14 |
It took personal missions from the IMF managing director Dominique Strauss- Kahn and the World Bank president Robert Zoellick to Kinshasa to get the current government under President Joseph Kabila to cut back the scope of the Chinese barter deal (Africa-Asia Confidential Vol 2 No 8)...
On 18 June President Joseph Kabila confirmed the awards in a decree but neither the state’s Congolaise des hydrocarbures (Cohydro) or oil ministry staffers were involved in the highly secretive negotiations...
Egypt’s intelligence chief Omar Suleiman flew into Burundi to dissuade the regime from signing; at the same time Ethiopia appealed to President Joseph Kabila’s government in Congo-Kinshasa to sign...
The effort to persuade President Joseph Kabila to accept the terms for debt relief which included scaling back Chinese countertrade projects brought both Bank President Robert Zoellick and IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn to Kinshasa to press their case...
Many suspect the long arm of Augustin Katumba Mwanke an advisor to President Joseph Kabila and a minister during his father Laurent-Désiré’s presidency who is known to be close to the Gécamines President (AC Vol 48 No 11 Dollars and mines)...