FTI also worked with Dan Gertler similarly exposed to charges over mining deals linked to his close friend Congo-Kinshasa President Joseph Kabila (AC Vol 58 No 5 An awkward tango for Gertler and Glencore)...
Vol 58 No 5 |
Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler and South African commodity trader Ivan Glasenberg who have done far better than their corporate rivals out of Joseph Kabila's reign in Congo-Kinshasa are rethinking their strategy...
Vol 58 No 4 |
The deal that President Joseph Kabila agreed on 31 December with the opposition for elections this year and the end of his presidency depended on swift implementation...
If Pham gets the post US policy could harden against Congo-Kinshasa where he wants much more pressure on President Joseph Kabila to leave office...
Vol 58 No 3 |
Just minutes before midnight on 19 December as the seconds ticked down on the last day of his constitutionally permitted second term of office President Joseph Kabila Kabange's Information Minister Lambert Mende Omalanga announced on state television that a new transitional government had been formed...
Friends of the diamond-dealer say he has never really forgiven Joseph Kabila since his father Laurent confiscated a 266-carat diamond he had found in 2000 and sold it abroad for an estimated US$20 million...
Vol 58 No 3 |
Kodjo brokered an agreement last October but this had little effect and was widely thought to play to President Joseph Kabila's tune...
Vol 57 No 25 |
While the end of President Joseph Kabila's two terms of office on 19 December is set to spark mass opposition protests less notice has been paid to the growth of separate conflicts all over the country...
Vol 57 No 24 |
Although Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon resigned on 14 November and announced the dissolution of his government President Joseph Kabila Kabange surprised everyone three days later by naming his successor Samy Badibanga Ntita...
Vol 57 No 22 |
A raft of corruption claims is undermining President Joseph Kabila's campaign to extend his stay in office for at least two more years...
Vol 57 No 21 |
Violent clashes in Kinshasa between protestors and police last month show how the row over President Joseph Kabila's plans to delay elections could trigger a crisis across the country – from the capital in the west to the copper-rich Katanga region in the east where opposition support is growing sharply...