Fradique's US lawyers include Greg Craig of the Washington firm of Williams and Connolly once attorney for Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez in 2000 and for the then US President in the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky affair...
The Republicans contrast their Africa policy with President Bill Clinton's which they call strong on rhetoric and weak on delivery 'A wish-list not a road map' an administration official told us...
JJ chats with the spooks Rawlings' subsequent 'discussions' with state security further fired his outbursts against the Kufuor government carefully timed to coincide with visits to Ghana by international figures such as United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan (a Ghanaian) and United States former President Bill Clinton...
UK support for the US bombing meant Goulty was expelled from Sudan but he did not hide his anger and he openly criticised President Bill Clinton's government's policy of isolating the NIF...
President Bill Clinton proclaimed a broad African agenda based like that of the European Union International Monetary Fund and World Bank on economic reform and democratisation...
The first group includes State Department officials who have long watched with dismay the European Union's flirtation with the NIF business people envious of EU countries' oil contracts intelligence professionals who grumble that isolationism deprives them of information and Republicans who want to rubbish President Bill Clinton's Democrat government...
Many US officials had opposed President Bill Clinton's government's policy of isolating Sudan headed by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice...
It contains high-level academics and officials from State and Defense chaired by Stephen Morris a State Department Africanist under Bill Clinton...
Lobbyists do best when government intentions are unclear; there is little clarity about Bush's Africa policy except that it will be more pro-business and less active in Africa than Bill Clinton's (AC Vol 41 No 25)...
The post was created by Congress under President Bill Clinton...