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Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir

Date of Birth: 1 January 1944
Place of Birth: Hoshe Bannaga

Displaying 291-300 out of 438 results.

Obama rings the changes

When Africa Confidential asked the Africa advisors in both campaigns about their stance on the proposed indictment of President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir by the International Criminal Court both said their candidates would fully support the indictment and would veto any move to suspend or defer it at the United Nations Security Council...

Brothers reunited

Khartoum claims this putative Al Qaida group will flourish if the International Criminal Court charges against President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir go ahead...

Khartoum's strategy

The threat of an indictment for war crimes of Sudan’s President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir by the International Criminal Court has not diminished the Khartoum regime’s willingness to sponsor wars inneighbouring states...

Financial and political chaos

UN officials confidently predict the Sudan government will increase the pressure on these missions through a combination of bureaucratic obstruction and physical attack by 'unidentified militias' should the International Criminal Court (ICC) judges proceed with its Chief Prosecutor Louis Moreno Ocampo's recommendation that President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir be charged for crimes against humanity and genocide...

A three-legged race

China had been reluctant to exercise its veto fearing that support for Mugabe ahead of the Beijing Olympics would further damage its image already besmirched by its association with President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir’s regime in Sudan...

The Darfur dance

The diplomatic dance at the United Nations General Assembly is intensifying over the arrest warrants against Sudanese President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir sought by the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Luis Moreno-Ocampo...

The dead bite back

After the International Criminal Court laid charges of genocide against Sudanese President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir on 14 July Kagame spoke of a Western plot...

In the dock for the bombings

This latest legal challenge to Sudan's Islamist regime follows the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor's genocide charges against President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir on 14 July (AC Vol 49 Nos 15 & 16)...

Saving Omer

The International Criminal Court's bid to put President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir on trial for genocide is the sternest test yet for the emerging system of international justice...

Displaying 291-300 out of 438 results.