The most important are connected to the Islamist command structures established under the National Islamic Front (NIF)/National Congress Party (NCP) regimes led by former President Omer Ahmed Hassan el Beshir...
Divisions over strategy and how to end the war cut across the sundry Islamist groupings in the SAF-affiliated militias and among those Islamists loyal to the National Congress Party of deposed President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir who is still ostensibly detained...
The AU's efforts were undermined by its close ties to the Sudanese army and diplomats fron the era of ousted President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir most of whom were members of the ruling National Congress Party or other Islamist factions...
It hasn't trusted Gen Burhan since he ordered the arrest of President Omer Ahmed Hassan el Beshir in April 2019...
The shift in the RSF's tactics to target West Kordofan was provoked by Burhan's meeting with tribal leaders in the province led by Ahmed Saleh Saloh a local leader of ex-President Omer Hassan el Beshir's Islamist ruling party the National Congress Party (NCP)...
Until early in the year President Salva Kiir Mayardit was leaning towards Burhan with whom he had worked when President Omer Hassan el Beshir was in power in Khartoum...
Commander of the Sudan Armed Forces General Abdel Fattah al Burhan announced on Eid el Fitr (10 April in Sudan) that his aim was not to return to any civilian regime like the radical reforming one of 2019-2021 or the oppressive rule of Gen Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir's National Islamic Front (then National Congress Party) from 1989 to 2019...
Like Egypt and Saudi Arabia the UAE kept lines open to President Omer Ahmed Hassan el Beshir in Sudan who headed the MB-affiliated National Congress Party...
More problematically they met representatives of the National Congress Party (NCP) the ruling Islamist party in Sudan under President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir...
Now it has turned to Iran a key ally for the Islamist National Congress Party regime under ex-President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir who was ousted in 2019...
The component parts of the SAF the multiple covertly-funded militias set up under ex-President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir and the National Congress Party look set to launch an insurgency against authorities deemed to be under RSF control...
Two decades ago it strongly backed the resistance against the ethnic cleansing and genocidal campaign of Gen Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir's Islamist regime in Khartoum that left over 300 000 dead...