Former Security Minister and lately Rural Housing Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa swiftly took up the role of Mugabe’s election agent and assembled an election task force...
She and her husband General Solomon Mujuru launched a stinging coded attack on Emmerson Mnangagwa and his allies Nicholas Goche and Elliot Manyika whom they held responsible for the violence...
Even its hardest liners such as the former Security Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa speak of the ‘need for a power-sharing government’ after the election...
Until five years ago Mawere was a staunch government supporter and a close ally of leading securocrat Emmerson Mnangagwa...
The ZANU-PF fight-back After almost a week of political paralysis in ZANU-PF following the 29 March elections Emmerson Mnangagwa and his allies honed a fight-back strategy for the party that involves challenging the opposition parties both politically and diplomatically...
Legal Affairs Secretary and former Security Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa has led the charge for Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) since he organised the party congress's decision last December to re-select Robert Mugabe as its presidential candidate...
Apart from the obduracy of President Mugabe and the ruling clique in ZANU-PF such as former Security Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa and current Security Minister Didymus Mutasa a principal obstacle to political change is the disarray on policy and personnel in the opposition camp...
Now the JOC and ZANU-PF's Politburo have both endorsed the Mugabe fight-back strategy as the most plausible they have launched what could be the heaviest round of repression since the Gukurahundi ('The early rain which washes away the chaff before the spring rains' AC Vol 45 No 23) campaign orchestrated by AVM Shiri and then-Security Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa...
He favours a Mugabe victory provided that he steps down shortly afterwards and makes way for Emmerson Mnangagwa who has maintained strong links with Zambia; some of Mnangagwa's family lives there...
In the heart of Masvingo where heir apparent Emmerson Mnangagwa holds sway Gutu is the sort of area where Mugabe would have expected the most rousing welcome...
These divisions within ZANU-PF ranks make matters more difficult for the party's Campaign Director and Legal Affairs Secretary Emmerson Mnangagwa...