The presidential couple seemed typically aloof as Vice-President Joice Mujuru and her ally Didymus Mutasa bade farewell...
Hungry Young TurksThe Youth League conference elected as its leader Kudzai Chipanga a Manicaland member of Parliament and protégé of Didymus Mutasa the ZANU-PF Secretary of Administration who is in the Mujuru camp...
Mujuru-supporters in the Politburo – Didymus Mutasa Simon Kaya Moyo and Webster Shamu – drew up stringent qualifications for elective candidates to the Central Committee from which the Politburo is drawn which will work against the Mnangagwa camp...
The party's Secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa then took up the theme...
The disputes continued with a clumsy intervention by Mujuru's ally Didymus Mutasa ZANU-PF's Secretary for Administration...
Added to Mujuru's problems is the ill health of her ally Didymus Mutasa the Manicaland political godfather...
This should mean a shoo-in for her favoured slate for the Praesidium Simon Kaya Moyo who would become another vice-president and Didymus Mutasa as party chairman...
The knives are out for Didymus Mutasa the party's Secretary for Administration whose own province Manicaland also went to Mujuru despite both Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa and Women's Affairs Minister Oppah Muchinguri supporting Mnangagwa...
Didymus Mutasa and Simon Khaya Moyo are both ministers in the president's office...
Mabika claims she is being framed by ZANU-PF’s 77-year-old Didymus Mutasa for spurning his sexual advances...