Vol 40 No 5 |
The turning point was Nelson Mandela’s decision to appoint Thabo Mbeki not Ramaphosa Deputy President in 1994 after the latter had made unguarded though private comments about the ANC...
Vol 40 No 9 |
More discreetly we hear Blair tried to persuade President Nelson Mandela and his heir-apparent Thabo Mbeki to support or at least not stridently oppose the British-USA bombing campaign against Saddam Hussein's Iraq...
Vol 40 No 9 |
Thabo Mbeki the ANC's President was thought to favour Yengeni as party candidate for the provincial premiership but settled for Rasool as more acceptable to both factions...
Vol 40 No 9 |
The African National Congress (ANC) is bound to win the elections for the national parliament on 2 June and its leader Thabo Mbeki will become the next president...
Two such individuals - Tokyo Sexwale ex-Premier of Gauteng and Patrick 'Terror' Lekota ex-Premier of the Free State - have been speedily shunted out or sideways and the party's rules have been changed to enable the President of the ANC (and after the elections of South Africa) Thabo Mbeki to determine the choice of provincial premiers...
Vol 40 No 8 |
Marcus looks set for promotion to another ministry by President-in-waiting Thabo Mbeki after the elections in June...
Clinton had echoed South African Deputy President Thabo Mbeki’s talk of an African renaissance and the State Department had chosen six states – Ghana South Africa Botswana Rwanda Uganda and Senegal – thought to be representative of emerging Africa...
United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan spoke confidently of an immediate cessation of hostilities; Rwanda's President Pasteur Bizimungu and South Africa's head of state-apparent Thabo Mbeki were pessimistic...
But Deputy President Thabo Mbeki was more cautious hoping that Southern African countries would not seek to extradite South African Defence Force officers who organised cross-border raids to murder their opponents in Botswana Zimbabwe Mozambique and Namibia...
The list of those with damaged reputations includes Mandela (on a visit to the United States and Canada at the time) Deputy President Thabo Mbeki (AC Vol 39 No 17 in Finland) Deputy Foreign Minister Aziz Pahad (at the Commonwealth Games in Malaysia) Foreign Minister Alfred Nzo (at the United Nations) the depleted Department of Foreign Affairs with one-quarter of its Africa Division jobs vacant the intelligence agencies Modise Nyanda Safety and Security Minister Sydney Mufamadi (Mbeki's factotum who took political charge) and Home Affairs Minister and for the 13th time Acting President Buthelezi...
Vol 39 No 19 |
As early as June 1994 he said Deputy President Thabo Mbeki had had to dampen plans to launch a trilateral (Botswana South Africa Zimbabwe) intervention in Lesotho...