Vol 45 No 17 |
SA President Thabo Mbeki is due in Kinshasa on 30 August; in New York UN officials will begin discussions with Security Council members...
These proposals allow President Thabo Mbeki to tell the SADC summit in Mauritius next month that Pretoria's quiet diplomacy is at last producing results...
Vol 45 No 14 |
Some of them should just be ring-fenced as President Thabo Mbeki's grander pan-African schemes mean diplomatic and military overstretch taking resources needed for vital issues in the neighbourhood...
Thabo Mbeki of South Africa and Angola's José Eduardo dos Santos did not attend; Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo was busy in Abuja trying to reconcile Congo-Kinshasa President Joseph Kabila and Rwandan President Paul Kagame...
Presidents Thabo Mbeki (South Africa) Paul Kagame (Rwanda) and Joachim Chissano (Mozambique) attended; Zambia's Levy Mwanawasa did not...
Vol 45 No 9 |
President Thabo Mbeki has finally ended the African National Congress's awkward relationship with Inkatha Freedom Party leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi by leaving him out of the cabinet in the post-election reshuffle on 28 April (AC Vol 45 No 8)...
Agenda for accountability High expectations have been met by small gains while NePAD's secretariat in Midrand South Africa struggles to match the disparate demands of founding Presidents Thabo Mbeki Olusegun Obansanjo Abdoulaye Wade Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Hosni Mubarak...
Vol 45 No 8 |
Both Buthelezi and ANC President Thabo Mbeki have refused to be drawn...
Vol 45 No 7 |
The campaign for the national elections on 14 April is dominated by President Thabo Mbeki's speeches and his face on the television and the election hoardings...
Gabriel who met South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki on 16 February is close to US and South African interests in Equatorial Guinea...