Africa Confidential has established that these Elands had been stocked by Land Systems of South Africa a joint venture between Britain's BAE Systems and a black empowerment enterprise DGD Technologies one of whose directors is President Thabo Mbeki's brother Moletsi...
Vol 49 No 2 |
The governing African National Congress is preparing for all-out war between President Thabo Mbeki – and his allies in government – and Jacob Zuma the ANC's newly elected President (AC Vol 49 No 1)...
Vol 49 No 2 |
President Thabo Mbeki did not attend the first meeting on 7 January of the new NEC which despite the corruption charges endorsed Zuma as ANC candidate for the national presidency next year...
Vol 49 No 2 |
Zuma strives to calm investors but there is anxiety about possible replacements for the respected Finance Minister Trevor Manuel and the Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni whose term expires like President Thabo Mbeki's in 2009...
Immediately after Zuma’s election as ANC President at the national conference on 16-20 December party leaders including President Thabo Mbeki tried to paper over the rifts...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 3 |
The SACP and Cosatu are far more critical of China’s trade policies than the team led by President Thabo Mbeki who remains national President...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 1 |
Within a few days of the Summit South African President Thabo Mbeki had cautioned fellow Africans that economic ties with China were taking on aspects of a colonial relationship...
Vol 48 No 25 |
His struggle for the leadership against the incumbent President Thabo Mbeki (AC Vol 48 No 24) is rancorous with factions competing to persuade intimidate or buy votes from more than 4 000 delegates...
Vol 48 No 24 |
When nominations closed the sacked national Vice-President Zuma who is also Deputy President of the governing party had the backing of 2 236 branches while the outgoing ANC President Thabo Mbeki was backed by only 1 394...
Vol 48 No 24 |
African National Congress officials hope to find a third way with President Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma stepping out of the leadership race to make room for a compromise candidate...