Army General Higino Carneiro politician and businessman stands out as a significant contender (AC Vol 57 No 17 One-party stasis)...
The vast majority of Politburo members retained their seats including long-standing Dos Santos loyalists such as Julião Mateus Paulo 'Dino Matross' Kundi Paihama Pitra Neto Fernando Piedade dos Santos 'Nandó' and Higino Carneiro...
As well as Welwitschea dos Santos 'Tchizé' the cohort of new women promoted included Yolanda Carneiro daughter of Luanda Governor Higino Carneiro and Djamilla Prata a rising figure in the capital's party structure...
The former Public Works Minister and current Governor of Cuando Cubango Francisco Higino Lopes Carneiro may reappear in Luanda in 2014 either as provincial governor or possibly interior minister...
Vol 54 No 24 |
They are the Vice-President and former state oil company boss Manuel Domingos Vicente and General Francisco Higino Lopes Carneiro former minister senior figure in the governing Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola and businessman...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 8 |
According to Angolan media it is 100% Angolan-owned with our sources saying former Public Works Minister General Francisco Higino Lopes Carneiro (aka ‘the Bulldozer’) is among the shareholders...
He worked for Angolan National Radio the state broadcaster and most see him as a protégé of General Francisco Higino Lopes Carneiro Angola’s Minister of Public Works and one of the old guard of top generals in the ruling circle...
Martins reportedly partners Higino Carneiro in several businesses...
Francisco Higino Lopes Carneiro has been shown the exit along with António Burity (Education) Salomão José Luheto Xirimbibi (Fisheries) Virgilio Fontes Pereira (Territorial Administration) and Manuel Rabelais (Social Communication)...
Angola's Minister of Public Works General Francisco Higino Lopes Carneiro said in late 2008 that the country needed 4...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 11 |
Angolan Minister of Public Works Higino Carneiro and South Korean Minister of Trade Kim Jong-hoon led their respective delegations...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 7 |
Public Works Minister Higino Carneiro went to Beijing in mid-April to discuss reconstruction credits...