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Jonas Malheiro Savimbi

Date of Birth: 3 August 1934
Place of Birth: Munhango
Died: 22 February 2002

Displaying 131-140 out of 142 results.

Across the lake

Jonas Savimbi wants to avoid being squeezed between the pro-Kabila 'former Katangese gendarmes' to the north and the Forças Armadas Angolanas to the south which are trying to wrest control of the Lunda Norte diamond fields...

Across the river

He is also the only French politician to have publicly welcomed Jonas Savimbi and União para a Independência Total de Angola officials...

Seeds of death

Until 1991 the USA 'covertly' supplied mines to Jonas Savimbi's União Nacional para Independência Total de Angola...

Sankoh sticks out

Diplomats in Freetown compare him to Jonas Savimbi and Charles Taylor a warlord with a portable government...

It's not over yet

There are too many unanswered questions about both political and military agreements: any arrangement that doesn't bind UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi is tenuous; any military merger that doesn't tackle the lawlessness of the diamond fields in the north-east and the free movement of UNITA troops and supplies across the border to Zaïre will be fragile...

Oil the wheels

Elf's growing investment alongside the other French major Total has dented Jonas Savimbi's hopes that Paris might be a counterweight to Western support for President José Eduardo dos Santos' government...

Worlds apart

The irrepressibly optimistic UN Special Representative Alioune Blondin Beye is already touting the success of the mission – 'the opponents of peace are losing ground' – citing the timetable for the formation of a government of national unity with ministers from Jonas Savimbi's União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola and the completion of the military demobilisation programme...

Sorting out Savimbi

Piece by piece Angolans and the United Nations are knitting the government and rebel armies together but the critical issue – the future role of Jonas Savimbi – is unresolved...

A fifth summit with President José Eduardo dos Santos (AC Vol 37 No 12) and Jonas Savimbi is planned this time on Angolan soil perhaps in the coastal town of Sumbe which was spared the worst of the war...

Soldiers for sale

EO started by providing guards at the Soyo oil terminal then under threat from Jonas Savimbi' s rebels (with whom many of EO's Angolan footsoldiers bankrolled by the apartheid government had fought in the 1980s)...

The state is sick 

President José Eduardo dos Santos' sacking of Prime Minister Marcolino Moco and his cabinet on 3 June is a belated attempt to rally his troops before they have to start doing business with Jonas Savimbi's political cadres in Luanda...

For a year after the Bicesse Accords in May 1991 the MPLA failed to meet the challenge of UNITA which lost the multiparty elections of September 1992 mainly because of Jonas Savimbi's arrogant and threatening campaign rather than the MPLA's merits...

But he is (like Jonas Savimbi) an Ovimbundu from the interior and his family lacks MPLA connections...

Displaying 131-140 out of 142 results.