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Jonas Malheiro Savimbi

Date of Birth: 3 August 1934
Place of Birth: Munhango
Died: 22 February 2002

Displaying 121-130 out of 142 results.

A dictator returns

João de Matos the commander of the Forças Armadas Angolanas 90 000 battle hardened troops and another warning to Jonas Savimbi's rebel forces still holed up in Bailundo in Angola's Planalto...

Time's up, again

The United Nations Security Council is poised to implement fresh sanctions against the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola whose leader Jonas Savimbi is still not complying with the 1994 peace accords...

Payback time

When Angola's army attacked UNITA in Lunda Norte in May Congo's army closed the border cutting off Jonas Savimbi from his Zaïrean sanctuary and his main route to the outside world...

Après le déluge – quoi?

With Mobutu gone Jonas Savimbi and his União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola have lost their Zaïrean bases to Kabila a long-time friend of Luanda's ruling Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola...

And across the river

There are too reports of soldiers from Jonas Savimbi's União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola fighting alongside Lissouba's militias...

Not Charlie's aunt

Repeating Jonas Savimbi's 1992 mantra in Angola Taylor tells interviewers that the question of accepting electoral defeat does not arise because it would be impossible for him to lose a free and fair election...

Naming names

Neither Jonas Savimbi's União Nacional para Independência Total de Angola nor conveniently the government will face scrutiny...

Congo guns

In the heaviest fighting since November 1994's ceasefire the Forças Armadas de Angola have pounded positions of Jonas Savimbi's União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola in diamond-rich Lunda Norte...

Regional rebound

Jonas Savimbi must feel that the earth has moved but not because he is any closer to quenching his passion to become president of Angola...

Trouble next door

Meanwhile Jonas Savimbi has made available troops from the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) to serve alongside the Forces Armées Zaïroises to help his ally and business partner President Mobutu Sese Seko...

Displaying 121-130 out of 142 results.