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Constantino Guveya Dominic Nyikadzino Chiwenga

Date of Birth: 25 August 1956
Place of Birth: Wedza (Hwedza)

Displaying 51-60 out of 107 results.

Mugabe drops the crocodile

General Constantine Chiwenga who was sacked as head of the armed forces and is to be expelled from the party is said to have made common cause with Mnangagwa...

Morgan goes it alone

The President is particularly concerned about the possibility of the G40 campaign culling old stalwarts (also Mnangagwa allies) such as Zimbabwe Defence Force Commander Constantine Chiwenga Air Vice-Marshal Perence Shiri and Lieutenant General Phillip Valerio Sibanda Commander of the Zimbabwe National Army...

Grace plots for power

Constantine Chiwenga who had toyed with supporting Grace has decided to back Mnangagwa wrote the Harare weekly Zimbabwe Independent...

The 'Grace plot' thickens

Other evidence of what they see as discrimination was the appointment of General Constantine Chiwenga a Zezuru as Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces when it was thought it should have gone to Gen...

Bail for Baba

They are believed to include the head of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Constantine Chiwenga and the Prisons Commissioner Gen...

Arms-for-minerals trades exposed

Maphosa as well as army commander General Constantine Chiwenga and Air Force of Zimbabwe chief Air Marshal Perence Shiri revealed that less than $5 mn...

Tilting at the ANC

The internet blogger ‘Baba Jukwa' has claimed that the EFF receives funds from Zimbabwe via its Minister of Youth Indigenisation and Empowerment Saviour Kasukuwere; Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa; the Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Force General Constantine Chiwenga; and State Security Minister Sydney Sekeramayi...

Rushing and cheating

A defeat in the first round could bring intervention by the Zimbabwe Defence Force whose Commander General Constantine Chiwenga is known to harbour ambitions...

Displaying 51-60 out of 107 results.