She may also serve as a counterweight to the military interests in the cabinet represented by Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga Sibusiso Moyo and Perence Shiri...
Reuters news agency reported a fierce argument between Mnangagwa and Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga over the military's role during or after the elections...
Although the buck should stop with Mnangagwa some of his defenders insist the order was given by Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga the former head of the armed forces...
Another contest within ZANU-PF is the civil/military balance and the reported tensions between Mnangagwa and Vice-President General Constantino Chiwenga...
At a funeral for Army Commander Valerio Sibanda's mother Constantino Chiwenga Vice-President and former Commander of the Defence Forces commended Sibanda for his role in smuggling Mnangagwa out of the country following his dismissal in November 2017...
Former Defence Chief General Constantino Chiwenga is now the most powerful Vice-President since 1980 having taken on new responsibilities for internal security state procurement and management of the government's proclaimed anti-corruption drive...
Isaac Moyo is Director General of the Central Intelligence Organisation which Mnangagwa and Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga a former commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces are trying to disable and replace with Military Intelligence...
A decade ago General Constantino Chiwenga took the criticism a stage further insisting that he would never salute a president who had not fought in the war against Ian Smith's Rhodesian Front regime...
Meanwhile once Constantino Chiwenga retires from his post as Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces Mnangagwa will have to manage his relationship with the military very carefully (AC Vol 58 No 25 A martial mind-set)...
Certainly General Constantino Chiwenga Commander of the ZDF is taking no chances...
The other key relationship in pushing Mugabe towards the exit was between Mnangagwa and General Constantino Chiwenga the ZDF commander...